​Want to know why top authors and successful writers keep choosing to work with Publication Pixie?

Providing a flexible, efficient, and easy to work with service. Holly can customize your package to meet your individual needs.

Attention to detail is guaranteed.

By choosing Publication Pixie, you can focus your energy on what really matters. 


​You have finished your manuscript, let me polish it into a saleable masterpiece, I can offer line editing and editorial development if required.


I can create stunning, eye-catching graphics that will make your book sing on social media. Customized as much or as little as possible and branded to your specific trope or tastes. 


Particularly in the MM Romance community – there is almost always an event or party to attend. Get the word out about your book – from takeovers to release parties and everything in between, let me deal with the creative side and even the scheduling if you like.

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