Introducing Stella Rainbow
Secrets of the Soul is finished and with the editor. I can't tell you how excited I am about this book, Kane and Kevin took me on such a journey and I know they'll take you on one too. I am counting the days. Have you preordered yours yet? Feel free to check it out at...
Introducing Chloe Archer
I took a much-needed mini staycation last week, and this week has been words, words, words as I dive closer to the editing deadline for Secrets of the Soul. It's spring here in NZ and the sun is shining, the gardens are blooming and the kids are tired as we wind down...
Introducing Silvana Falcon
End-of-year-itis is no joke! I'm on the home stretch of Secrets of the Soul. The older kids in my house are gearing up for exams and before you know it, Christmas will be upon us. I'm hoping to get some time off over the holiday season this year, but when you work as...
Introducing EJ Frost
The spooky season is behind us, and it's November, which means NaNoWriMo has officially begun. Last year I really struggled, but I finished, and so when I was tossing up whether I should do it this year it not, I decided to just give in to my own stubbornness and see...
Introducing Delaney Rain
Words, words, and all the words for me this week. I'm back at real-life work part-time, too, but I am loving life, enjoying the sun, and getting lots done! I hope wherever you are, whatever life is throwing at you, you are able to find something that makes you smile...
Introducing Ali RyeCart
To be fair, I've not got much to say this week. I've been hard at work, so don't panic about that, but as far as updates go... well, I'll share more when I know more, LOL. So let's get straight into the Quirky Questions this week and welcome our guest Ali...
Introducing Alexa Piper and Rory Maxwell
What a week! I'm making great progress on Secrets of the Soul and even squeezed in some words for a new plot bunny that I've been using to help me get over my writer's block (or whatever it was). This week we have not one but two awesome authors who came to play in...
Introducing Vicki Locey
It's been school holidays for the past two weeks here in NZ, I love lazy mornings and crafty afternoons, but to be honest, I'm looking forward to Monday as well. I hit the wall in Secrets of the Soul, bounced back off it again, and am back to words, it's not looking...
Introducing Lisa Oliver & Morgan Klein
Words, words, words, words! That's been my focus this week! That and it was my amazing Mum's birthday on the 19th, so I played hookie for the day and went to hang out with her! But enough about me, you're here to meet Lisa Oliver and Morgan Klein!Author Bio Hi, my...
Introducing Gigi Rivers
I'm so close I can see the end in sight, and then I'll be able to share a cover reveal and blurb for Secrets of the Soul, I'm hoping for an October release, so wish me luck. This week I'm excited to introduce Gigi Rivers!Author Bio Gigi spent her childhood...